Source code for phonolammps

__version__ = '0.9.1'

import numpy as np
import warnings

from phonopy.file_IO import write_FORCE_CONSTANTS, write_force_constants_to_hdf5, write_FORCE_SETS
from phonolammps.arrange import get_correct_arrangement, rebuild_connectivity_tinker
from phonolammps.phonopy_link import obtain_phonon_dispersion_bands, get_phonon
from phonolammps.iofile import get_structure_from_poscar, generate_VASP_structure
from phonolammps.iofile import generate_tinker_key_file, generate_tinker_txyz_file, parse_tinker_forces
from phonolammps.iofile import get_structure_from_lammps, get_structure_from_txyz
from phonolammps.iofile import get_structure_from_g96, get_structure_from_gro
from phonolammps.iofile import generate_gro, generate_g96

import shutil, os

# define the force unit conversion factors to LAMMPS metal style (eV/Angstrom)
unit_factors = {'real': 4.336410389526464e-2,
                'metal': 1.0,
                'si': 624150636.3094,
                'gromacs': 0.00103642723,
                'tinker': 0.043  # kcal/mol to eV

[docs]class PhonoBase: """ Base class for PhonoLAMMPS This class is not designed to be called directly. To use it make a subclass and implement the following methods: * __init__() * get_forces() """
[docs] def get_path_using_seek_path(self): """ Obtain the path in reciprocal space to plot the phonon band structure :return: dictionary with list of q-points and labels of high symmetry points """ try: import seekpath cell = self._structure.get_cell() positions = self._structure.get_scaled_positions() numbers = np.unique(self._structure.get_chemical_symbols(), return_inverse=True)[1] path_data = seekpath.get_path((cell, positions, numbers)) labels = path_data['point_coords'] band_ranges = [] for set in path_data['path']: band_ranges.append([labels[set[0]], labels[set[1]]]) return {'ranges': band_ranges, 'labels': path_data['path']} except ImportError: print ('Seekpath not installed. Autopath is deactivated') band_ranges = ([[[0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [0.5, 0.0, 0.5]]]) return {'ranges': band_ranges, 'labels': [['GAMMA', '1/2 0 1/2']]}
[docs] def get_force_constants(self, include_data_set=False): """ calculate the force constants with phonopy using lammps to calculate forces :return: ForceConstants type object containing force constants """ if self._force_constants is None: phonon = get_phonon(self._structure, setup_forces=False, super_cell_phonon=self._supercell_matrix, primitive_matrix=self._primitive_matrix, NAC=self._NAC, symmetrize=self._symmetrize) phonon.get_displacement_dataset() phonon.generate_displacements(distance=self._displacement_distance) cells_with_disp = phonon.get_supercells_with_displacements() data_set = phonon.get_displacement_dataset() # Check forces for non displaced supercell forces_supercell = self.get_forces(phonon.get_supercell()) if np.max(forces_supercell) > 1e-1: warnings.warn('Large atomic forces found for non displaced structure: ' '{}. Make sure your unit cell is properly optimized'.format(np.max(forces_supercell))) # Get forces from lammps for i, cell in enumerate(cells_with_disp): if self._show_progress: print('displacement {} / {}'.format(i+1, len(cells_with_disp))) forces = self.get_forces(cell) data_set['first_atoms'][i]['forces'] = forces phonon.set_displacement_dataset(data_set) phonon.produce_force_constants() self._force_constants = phonon.get_force_constants() self._data_set = data_set if include_data_set: return [self._force_constants, self._data_set] else: return self._force_constants
[docs] def plot_phonon_dispersion_bands(self, bands_and_labels=None): """ Plot phonon band structure using seekpath automatic k-path Warning: The labels may be wrong if the structure is not standarized :param bands_and_labels: Custom energy band path """ import matplotlib.pyplot as plt def replace_list(text_string): substitutions = {'GAMMA': u'$\Gamma$', } for item in substitutions.items(): text_string = text_string.replace(item[0], item[1]) return text_string force_constants = self.get_force_constants() if bands_and_labels is None: bands_and_labels = self.get_path_using_seek_path() _bands = obtain_phonon_dispersion_bands(self._structure, bands_and_labels['ranges'], force_constants, self._supercell_matrix, primitive_matrix=self._primitive_matrix, band_resolution=30) for i, freq in enumerate(_bands[1]): plt.plot(_bands[1][i], _bands[2][i], color='r') plt.ylabel('Frequency [THz]') plt.xlabel('Wave vector') plt.xlim([0, _bands[1][-1][-1]]) plt.axhline(y=0, color='k', ls='dashed') plt.suptitle('Phonon dispersion') if 'labels' in bands_and_labels: plt.rcParams.update({'mathtext.default': 'regular'}) labels = bands_and_labels['labels'] labels_e = [] x_labels = [] for i, freq in enumerate(_bands[1]): if labels[i][0] == labels[i - 1][1]: labels_e.append(replace_list(labels[i][0])) else: labels_e.append( replace_list(labels[i - 1][1]) + '/' + replace_list(labels[i][0])) x_labels.append(_bands[1][i][0]) x_labels.append(_bands[1][-1][-1]) labels_e.append(replace_list(labels[-1][1])) labels_e[0] = replace_list(labels[0][0]) plt.xticks(x_labels, labels_e, rotation='horizontal')
[docs] def write_force_constants(self, filename='FORCE_CONSTANTS', hdf5=False): """ Write the force constants in a file in phonopy plain text format :param filename: Force constants filename """ force_constants = self.get_force_constants() if hdf5: write_force_constants_to_hdf5(force_constants, filename=filename) else: write_FORCE_CONSTANTS(force_constants, filename=filename)
[docs] def write_force_sets(self, filename='FORCE_SETS'): """ Write the force sets in a file in phonopy plain text format :param filename: Force sets filename """ data_set = self.get_force_constants(include_data_set=True)[1] write_FORCE_SETS(data_set, filename=filename)
[docs] def get_unitcell(self): """ Get unit cell structure :return unitcell: unit cell 3x3 matrix (lattice vectors in rows) """ return self._structure
[docs] def get_supercell_matrix(self): """ Get the supercell matrix :return supercell: the supercell 3x3 matrix (list of lists) """ return self._supercell_matrix
def get_primitve_matrix(self): return self._primitive_matrix def get_seekpath_bands(self, band_resolution=30): ranges = self.get_path_using_seek_path()['ranges'] bands =[] for q_start, q_end in ranges: band = [] for i in range(band_resolution+1): band.append(np.array(q_start) + (np.array(q_end) - np.array(q_start)) / band_resolution * i) bands.append(band) return bands
[docs] def write_unitcell_POSCAR(self, filename='POSCAR'): """ Write unit cell in VASP POSCAR type file :param filename: POSCAR file name (Default: POSCAR) """ poscar_txt = generate_VASP_structure(self._structure) with open(filename, mode='w') as f: f.write(poscar_txt)
[docs] def get_phonopy_phonon(self): """ Return phonopy phonon object with unitcell, primitive cell and the force constants set. :return: """ phonon = get_phonon(self._structure, setup_forces=False, super_cell_phonon=self._supercell_matrix, primitive_matrix=self._primitive_matrix, NAC=self._NAC, symmetrize=self._symmetrize) phonon.set_force_constants(self.get_force_constants()) return phonon
################################ # LAMMPS # ################################
[docs]class Phonolammps(PhonoBase): def __init__(self, lammps_input, supercell_matrix=np.identity(3), primitive_matrix=np.identity(3), displacement_distance=0.01, show_log=False, show_progress=False, use_NAC=False, symmetrize=True): """ Main PhonoLAMMPS class :param lammps_input: LAMMPS input file name or list of commands :param supercell_matrix: 3x3 matrix supercell :param primitive cell: 3x3 matrix primitive cell :param displacement_distance: displacement distance in Angstroms :param show_log: Set true to display lammps log info :param show_progress: Set true to display progress of calculation """ # Check if input is file or list of commands if type(lammps_input) is str: # read from file name self._lammps_input_file = lammps_input self._lammps_commands_list = open(lammps_input).read().split('\n') else: # read from commands self._lammps_commands_list = lammps_input self._structure = get_structure_from_lammps(self._lammps_commands_list, show_log=show_log) self._supercell_matrix = supercell_matrix self._primitive_matrix = primitive_matrix self._displacement_distance = displacement_distance self._show_log = show_log self._show_progress = show_progress self._symmetrize = symmetrize self._NAC = use_NAC self._force_constants = None self._data_set = None self.units = self.get_units(self._lammps_commands_list) if not self.units in unit_factors.keys(): print ('Units style not supported, use: {}'.format(unit_factors.keys())) exit()
[docs] def get_units(self, commands_list): """ Get the units label for LAMMPS "units" command from a list of LAMMPS input commands :param commands_list: list of LAMMPS input commands (strings) :return units: string containing the units """ for line in commands_list: if line.startswith('units'): return line.split()[1] return 'lj'
[docs] def get_forces(self, cell_with_disp): """ Calculate the forces of a supercell using lammps :param cell_with_disp: supercell from which determine the forces :return: numpy array matrix with forces of atoms [Natoms x 3] """ import lammps supercell_sizes = np.diag(self._supercell_matrix) cmd_list = ['-log', 'none'] if not self._show_log: cmd_list += ['-echo', 'none', '-screen', 'none'] lmp = lammps.lammps(cmdargs=cmd_list) lmp.commands_list(self._lammps_commands_list) lmp.command('replicate {} {} {}'.format(*supercell_sizes)) lmp.command('run 0') na = lmp.get_natoms() # xc = lmp.gather_atoms("x", 1, 3) # reference2 = np.array([xc[i] for i in range(na * 3)]).reshape((na, 3)) id = lmp.extract_atom("id", 0) id = np.array([id[i]-1 for i in range(na)], dtype=int) # id_inverse = [list(id).index(i) for i in range(len(id))] xp = lmp.extract_atom("x", 3) reference = np.array([[xp[i][0], xp[i][1], xp[i][2]] for i in range(na)], dtype=float) template = get_correct_arrangement(reference, self._structure, self._supercell_matrix) indexing = np.argsort(template) coordinates = cell_with_disp.get_positions() for i in range(na): lmp.command('set atom {} x {} y {} z {}'.format(id[i]+1, coordinates[template[i], 0], coordinates[template[i], 1], coordinates[template[i], 2]) ) lmp.command('run 0') # forces2 = lmp.gather_atoms("f", 1, 3) # forces2 = np.array([forces2[i] for i in range(na * 3)], dtype=float).reshape((na, 3))#[indexing,:] fp = lmp.extract_atom("f", 3) forces = np.array([[fp[i][0], fp[i][1], fp[i][2]] for i in range(na)], dtype=float) forces = forces[indexing, :] * unit_factors[self.units] # elements = ['C', 'H', 'H', 'H', 'C', 'O'] # id = lmp.extract_atom("id", 0) # id = np.array([id[i] for i in range(na)], dtype=int) # xp = lmp.extract_atom("x", 3) # coordinates = np.array([[xp[i][0], xp[i][1], xp[i][2]] for i in range(na)], dtype=float) # print(coordinates) # types = lmp.extract_atom("type", 0) # types = np.array([types[i]-1 for i in range(na)], dtype=int) # symbols = [elements[i] for i in types] # print('{}\n'.format(len(symbols))) # for i, s in enumerate(symbols): # print(s, '{:10.5f} {:10.5f} {:10.5f}'.format(*coordinates[i]) + ' {} {}'.format(id[i], i+1)) lmp.close() return forces
[docs] def optimize_unitcell(self, energy_tol=0, force_tol=1e-10, max_iter=1000000, max_eval=1000000): """ Optimize atoms position of the unitcell using lammps minimizer. Check for details :param energy_tol: stopping tolerance for energ :param force_tol: stopping tolerance for force (force units) :param max_iter: max iterations of minimizer :param max_eval: max number of force/energy evaluations """ import lammps cmd_list = ['-log', 'none'] if not self._show_log: cmd_list += ['-echo', 'none', '-screen', 'none'] lmp = lammps.lammps(cmdargs=cmd_list) lmp.commands_list(self._lammps_commands_list) lmp.command(' thermo 10 ') lmp.command('thermo_style custom step temp etotal press vol enthalpy') #lmp.command(' fix 2 all box/relax aniso 1000000 dilate all') lmp.command('minimize {} {} {} {} '.format(energy_tol, force_tol, max_iter, max_eval)) #lmp.command('run 0 ') na = lmp.get_natoms() xp = lmp.extract_atom("x", 3) positions = np.array([[xp[i][0], xp[i][1], xp[i][2]] for i in range(na)], dtype=float) fp = lmp.extract_atom("f", 3) forces = np.array([[fp[i][0], fp[i][1], fp[i][2]] for i in range(na)], dtype=float) lmp.close() self._structure.set_positions(positions) norm = np.linalg.norm(forces.flatten()) maxforce = np.max(np.abs(forces)) print('Force two-norm: ', norm) print('Force max component: ', maxforce) return norm, maxforce
################################ # TINKER # ################################
[docs]class PhonoTinker(PhonoBase): def __init__(self, txyz_input_file, key_input_file, force_field_file, supercell_matrix=np.identity(3), primitive_matrix=np.identity(3), displacement_distance=0.01, show_log=False, show_progress=False, use_NAC=False, symmetrize=True): """ Experimental class to use Tinker to calculate forces, can be used as an example to how to expand phonoLAMMPS to other software :param txyz_input_file: TXYZ input file name (see example) :param supercell_matrix: 3x3 matrix supercell :param primitive cell: 3x3 matrix primitive cell :param displacement_distance: displacement distance in Angstroms :param show_log: set true to display lammps log info :param show_progress: set true to display progress of calculation :param use_NAC: set true to use Non-Analytical corrections or not :param symmetrize: set true to use symmetrization of the force constants """ self._structure = get_structure_from_txyz(txyz_input_file, key_input_file) self._txyz_input_file = txyz_input_file self._supercell_matrix = supercell_matrix self._primitive_matrix = primitive_matrix self._displacement_distance = displacement_distance self._show_log = show_log self._show_progress = show_progress self._symmetrize = symmetrize self._NAC = use_NAC self._force_constants = None self._data_set = None self.units = 'tinker' self.force_field = force_field_file if not self.units in unit_factors.keys(): print ('Units style not supported, use: {}'.format(unit_factors.keys())) exit()
[docs] def get_forces(self, cell_with_disp): """ Calculate the forces of a supercell using tinker :param cell_with_disp: supercell (PhonopyAtoms) from which determine the forces :return array: numpy array matrix with forces of atoms [Natoms x 3] """ import tempfile import subprocess from subprocess import PIPE temp_file_name = tempfile.gettempdir() + '/tinker_temp' + '_' + str(os.getpid()) # temp_file_name = 'test_calc' supercell_wd = rebuild_connectivity_tinker(self._structure, cell_with_disp, self._supercell_matrix) tinker_input_file = open(temp_file_name + '.txyz', mode='w') tinker_input_file.write(generate_tinker_txyz_file(supercell_wd)) tinker_key_file = open(temp_file_name + '.key', mode='w') tinker_key_file.write(generate_tinker_key_file(supercell_wd)) tinker_input_file.close() tinker_key_file.close() tinker_command = './testgrad ' + + \ ' ' + self.force_field + ' Y N N ' + ' -k ' + tinker_process = subprocess.Popen(tinker_command, stdin=PIPE, stderr=PIPE, stdout=PIPE, shell=True) (output, err) = tinker_process.communicate() tinker_process.wait() if len(err.split()) != 0: print(err) print('Something wrong in forces calculation!') exit() # print(output) os.unlink( os.unlink( forces = parse_tinker_forces(output) * unit_factors[self.units] return forces
################################ # GROMACS # ################################
[docs]class PhonoGromacs(PhonoBase): _work_dir = 'gromorg_{}/'.format(os.getpid()) # _work_dir = 'gromorg_test/' def __init__(self, gro_file, supercell_matrix=np.identity(3), primitive_matrix=np.identity(3), displacement_distance=0.01, show_log=False, show_progress=False, use_NAC=False, symmetrize=True, gmx_params=None, base_ff='charmm27.ff/forcefield.itp', itp_file=None, silent=True, omp_num_threads=1): """ Experimental class to use Tinker to calculate forces, can be used as an example to how to expand phonoLAMMPS to other software :param xyz_input_file: XYZ input file name (see example) :param supercell_matrix: 3x3 matrix supercell :param primitive cell: 3x3 matrix primitive cell :param displacement_distance: displacement distance in Angstroms :param show_log: set true to display lammps log info :param show_progress: set true to display progress of calculation :param use_NAC: set true to use Non-Analytical corrections or not :param symmetrize: set true to use symmetrization of the force constants """ self._supercell_matrix = supercell_matrix self._primitive_matrix = primitive_matrix self._displacement_distance = displacement_distance self._show_log = show_log self._show_progress = show_progress self._symmetrize = symmetrize self._NAC = use_NAC self._force_constants = None self._data_set = None self._silent = silent self._base_fcc = base_ff self.units = 'gromacs' if not self.units in unit_factors.keys(): print ('Units style not supported, use: {}'.format(unit_factors.keys())) exit() # import openbabel # a, b, c = [8.194, 5.968, 8.669] # alpha, beta, gamma = [90.0, 123.57, 90.0] # a1 = a # b1 = b * np.cos(np.deg2rad(gamma)) # b2 = np.sqrt(b ** 2 - b1 ** 2) # c1 = c * np.cos(np.deg2rad(beta)) # c2 = (b * c * np.cos(np.deg2rad(alpha)) - b1 * c1) / b2 # c3 = np.sqrt(c ** 2 - c1 ** 2 - c2 ** 2) # unitcell = [[a1, 0, 0], # [b1, b2, 0], # [c1, c2, c3]] self._structure = get_structure_from_g96(gro_file) os.putenv('GMX_MAXBACKUP', '-1') os.putenv('OMP_NUM_THREADS', '{}'.format(omp_num_threads)) self._filename = 'test' # os.mkdir(self._work_dir) try: os.mkdir(self._work_dir) except FileExistsError: pass self._filename_dir = self._work_dir + self._filename # Default parameters # Run paramters if gmx_params is None: gmx_params = {} gmx_params.update({'integrator': 'steep', # Verlet integrator 'nsteps': 1, # 0.001 * 5000 = 50 ps 'nstxout': 1, # save coordinates every 0.001 ps 'nstvout': 1, # save velocities every 0.001 ps 'nstfout': 1, # save forces every 0.001 ps 'dt': 0.1}) self._params = gmx_params self._supercell = np.diag(supercell_matrix) self._box = [v/10 for v in self.cell_lengths(self._structure.cell)] self._angles = self.cell_angles(self._structure.cell) # alpha, beta, gamma = [90.0, 123.57, 90.0] from phonolammps.swissparam import SwissParams if itp_file is None: sw = SwissParams(self._structure, silent=False) files = {'itp': sw.get_itp_data(), 'pdb': sw.get_pdb_data(), 'top': self.get_topology(), 'mdp': self.get_mdp()} for ext, data in files.items(): with open(self._filename_dir + '.{}'.format(ext), 'w') as f: f.write(data) else: shutil.copy(itp_file, self._filename_dir + '.itp') with open(self._filename_dir + '.top', 'w') as f: f.write(self.get_topology()) with open(self._filename_dir + '.mdp', 'w') as f: f.write(self.get_mdp())
[docs] def cell_lengths(self, cell): """ Get the lengths of cell lattice vectors in angstroms. """ import numpy return [ numpy.linalg.norm(cell[0]), numpy.linalg.norm(cell[1]), numpy.linalg.norm(cell[2]), ]
[docs] def cell_angles(self, cell): """ Get the angles between the cell lattice vectors in degrees. """ import numpy lengths = self.cell_lengths(cell) return [ float(numpy.arccos(x) / numpy.pi * 180) for x in [ numpy.vdot(cell[1], cell[2]) / lengths[1] / lengths[2], numpy.vdot(cell[0], cell[2]) / lengths[0] / lengths[2], numpy.vdot(cell[0], cell[1]) / lengths[0] / lengths[1], ] ]
def get_mdp(self): file = ';Autogenerated MDP\n' for keys, values in self._params.items(): file += '{:30} = {}\n'.format(keys, values) return file def get_topology(self): num_mol = file = '; Autogenerated Topology\n' itp_files = [self._base_fcc, '{}.itp'.format(self._filename)] params = {'system': ['molecular system name'], 'molecules': ['{} {}\n'.format(self._filename, num_mol)]} for itp in itp_files: file += '#include "{}"\n'.format(itp) for section, lines in params.items(): file += '[ {} ]\n'.format(section) for line in lines: file += '{}\n'.format(line) return file def get_tpr(self, supercell_wd): import gmxapi as gmx #gmx genconf -f molecule.gro -o multi_mol.gro -nbox 2 2 2 # print(self._filename_dir + '.gro') #create_gro(supercell_wd, self._structure, self._filename_dir + '.gro') generate_g96(supercell_wd, self._structure, self._filename_dir + '.g96') grompp = gmx.commandline_operation('gmx', 'grompp', input_files={'-f': self._filename_dir + '.mdp', # '-c': self._filename_dir + '.gro', '-c': self._filename_dir + '.g96', '-p': self._filename_dir + '.top', '-po': self._filename_dir + '_log.mdp'}, output_files={'-o': self._filename_dir + '.tpr'}) if grompp.output.returncode.result() != 0: print(grompp.output.erroroutput.result()) tpr_data = gmx.read_tpr(self._filename_dir + '.tpr') return tpr_data
[docs] def get_forces(self, cell_with_disp): """ Calculate the forces of a supercell using tinker :param cell_with_disp: supercell (PhonopyAtoms) from which determine the forces :return array: numpy array matrix with forces of atoms [Natoms x 3] """ import gmxapi as gmx from phonolammps.capture import captured_stdout supercell_wd = rebuild_connectivity_tinker(self._structure, cell_with_disp, self._supercell_matrix) # simulation_input = gmx.modify_input(input=self.get_tpr(supercell_wd), parameters={'nsteps': 1}) md = gmx.mdrun(input=self.get_tpr(supercell_wd)) if self._silent: with captured_stdout(self._filename_dir + '.log'): else: trajectory_file = md.output.trajectory.result() md_data_dir = md.output._work_dir.result() # print('trajectory file:', trajectory_file) # print('workdir: ', md.output._work_dir.result()) # reference = get_structure_from_gro(self._filename_dir + '.gro').positions reference = get_structure_from_g96(self._filename_dir + '.g96').positions template = get_correct_arrangement(reference, self._structure, self._supercell_matrix) indexing = np.argsort(template) # print('{}\n'.format(len(supercell_wd.symbols))) # for s, c in zip(supercell_wd.symbols, supercell_wd.positions): # print('{:5} '.format(s) + '{:15.5f} {:15.5f} {:15.5f}'.format(*c)) # import mdtraj # self._trajectory = mdtraj.load_trr(trajectory_file, top=md_data_dir + '/confout.gro') #'mdtraj.gro') # exit() def extract_forces(trajectory_file, tpr_file, output='forces.xvg', step=0): grompp = gmx.commandline_operation('gmx', ['traj', '-of'], stdin='0', input_files={'-f': trajectory_file, '-s': tpr_file, '-b': '{}'.format(step), '-e': '{}'.format(step), }, ) if grompp.output.returncode.result() != 0: print(grompp.output.erroroutput.result()) forces = np.loadtxt('force.xvg', comments=['#', '@'])[1:].reshape(-1, 3) # print(forces) os.remove('force.xvg') return forces # KJ/(mol nm) to eV/ang # trajectory = mdtraj.load_trr(trajectory_file, top=md_data_dir + '/confout.gro') # print(trajectory.n_frames) forces = extract_forces(trajectory_file, self._filename_dir + '.tpr', step=1) forces = forces[indexing, :] * unit_factors[self.units] shutil.rmtree(md.output._work_dir.result()) return forces
def __del__(self): if os.path.isdir(self._work_dir): shutil.rmtree(self._work_dir)
if __name__ == '__main__': params = {'rvdw': 0.28, 'rlist': 0.28, 'rcoulomb': 0.28} phg = PhonoGromacs('unitcell_whole.g96', supercell_matrix=np.identity(3)*3, displacement_distance=0.15, itp_file='gromorg_test_ref/test.itp', show_progress=True, gmx_params=params) phg.write_unitcell_POSCAR() phg.plot_phonon_dispersion_bands() phg.write_force_constants() phonon = phg.get_phonopy_phonon() phonon.run_mesh([40, 40, 40]) phonon.run_total_dos() phonon.plot_total_dos().show() exit() structure = get_structure_from_txyz('structure_wrap_min.txyz', 'structure.key') print(structure) print(structure.get_connectivity()) print(generate_VASP_structure(structure)) print(structure.get_scaled_positions()) print(structure.get_chemical_symbols()) phonon = get_phonon(structure, setup_forces=False, super_cell_phonon=[[2, 0, 0], [0, 2, 0], [0, 0, 2]], NAC=False, symmetrize=True) phonon.get_displacement_dataset() phonon.generate_displacements(distance=0.0001) cells_with_disp = phonon.get_supercells_with_displacements() print(cells_with_disp[0]) print(generate_VASP_structure(cells_with_disp[0])) supercell_wd = rebuild_connectivity_tinker(structure, cells_with_disp[0], phonon.get_supercell_matrix()) print(generate_tinker_txyz_file(supercell_wd)) print(generate_tinker_key_file(supercell_wd)) print(generate_VASP_structure(structure)) import tempfile import subprocess import os from subprocess import PIPE force_field = 'mm3' temp_file_name = tempfile.gettempdir() + '/tinker_temp'+ '_' + str(os.getpid()) tinker_input_file = open(temp_file_name + '.txyz',mode='w') tinker_input_file.write(generate_tinker_txyz_file(supercell_wd)) tinker_key_file = open(temp_file_name + '.key',mode='w') tinker_key_file.write(generate_tinker_key_file(supercell_wd)) tinker_input_file.close() tinker_key_file.close() print('filename', tinker_input_file) tinker_command = './testgrad ' + + \ ' ' + force_field + ' Y N N ' + ' -k ' + tinker_process = subprocess.Popen(tinker_command, stdin=PIPE, stderr=PIPE, stdout=PIPE, shell=True) (output, err) = tinker_process.communicate() tinker_process.wait() os.unlink( os.unlink( forces = parse_tinker_forces(output) print(forces) print(forces.shape)